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Candidate endorsements for the June 3rd Primary
March 2008 (More endorsements coming in May) Sam Farr | U.S. House of Representatives Joe Simitian | California State Senate, 11th District Mark Stone | Santa Cruz County Supervisor, 5th District Jane Parker | Monterey County Board of Supervisors, District 4
Sam Farr ![]() Representative Sam Farr is endorsed by Sierra Club for his eighth bid for the House of Representatives. A winner of the prestigious National Sierra Club’s Ed Wayburn Award in 2003 for his strong leadership in environmental legislation, Farr has been one of the Club’s and the environment’s most stalwart friends during his seven terms in the House. His lifetime League of Conservation Voters environmental voting record is 95%. Over the last two years, Farr has been in the forefront of opposition to President Bush’s Iraq policy. He has consistently voted against the supplemental funding bills that keep the war raging and opposed the President’s “surge” strategy. Since President Bush sent 30,000 additional troops to Iraq, the United States has seen American casualties and, according to all the recent reports, little or no indication that the surge is creating the political environment necessary for a diplomatic solution. Farr believes that the continued toll this war exacts on our nation is unsustainable and threatens our long-term security. He voted for, and the House passed, HR 2929, to prohibit any permanent military installations or bases in Iraq or U.S. control over Iraqi oil resources. On the environmental front, Congressmember Farr has taken into account that it has been over 40 years since any significant action was taken to protect our ocean resources, and the degradation has become critical. To remedy this situation, Farr has introduced “OCEANS-21,” bill HR 21 (the Ocean Conservation, Education, & National Strategy for the 21st Century Act). OCEANS-21 will improve the stewardship and management of our ocean and coastal resources, and seeks to secure the full range of ecological, economic, educational, social, cultural, nutritional, and recreational benefits of healthy marine ecosystems for current and future generations. The bill is currently on its way to the House floor. To contact Representative Farr's office, learn more about his record, or help with his campaign, contact samfarr@mail.house.gov.
![]() Joe Simitian As a Mayor, County Supervisor, Assemblymember and now running for his second term in the State Senate, Joe Simitian has been a stalwart advocate for the Sierra Club’s mission. Senator Simitian chairs the Senate Environmental Quality committee and recently carried bills that would increase the State's use of renewable energy and require the State to conduct additional studies before approving new liquefied natural gas terminals. Currently, Senator Simitian is carrying legislation that would mandate climate change to be taught in public schools and would require ocean rangers to monitor environmental compliance aboard cruise ships. Senator Simitian has received awards for his work protecting open space, reducing waste, and fighting to improve air quality. He has been recognized by the Sierra Club for a lifetime of commitment. We are proud to endorse his re-election to California’s 11th Senate District.
Santa Cruz County Mark Stone Sierra Club endorses Mark Stone for another term as County Supervisor for District 5. Stone has ably represented District 5, providing leadership to protect its watersheds, negotiating a settlement of the proposed Lompico headwaters forest logging project. The Lompico watershed has since been permanently protected by its acquisition by Sempervirens Fund. Mark consistently supported Felton citizens’ efforts to buy their water distribution system (now under corporate control by German-owned California-American Water/RWE) and transfer its management to the San Lorenzo Water District. While serving on the Regional Transportation Commission, Supervisor Stone has worked to improve regional transportation planning and options. He understands the interrelationships between environmental issues, transportation infrastructure, and our quality of life. His fairness, vision, and accomplishments merit this endorsement and your vote on June 3.
Monterey County Jane Parker The Sierra Club Ventana Chapter endorses Jane Parker for the Monterey County Board of Supervisors, District 4. This district was represented by first-term Supervisor Jerry Smith, former mayor of Seaside, until he passed away in office last November. Although the Board of Supervisors is a non partisan body, Republican Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Ila Mettee-McCutchon this past month over protests from local Democrats and Independents. In 2004 Jane ran for the District 4 seat on the County Board of Supervisors and came within 200 votes of victory. ![]() The Board of Supervisors has primary responsibility for the mandated General Plan Update (GPU). This process has been wending its way through the County planning process for years. The developer-driven Board has continued to favor a growth-inducing GPU despite the lack of water, infrastructure, health and safety constraints and protection of natural resources. Jane supported and led the voter contact campaign for Measure A, the Community General Plan on the ballot last year favored by the Ventana Chapter and other environmental groups. Her election is key to protecting the County from massive development. Jane Parker grew up in Monterey and has had a long career in the not-for-profit field. She is currently employed at the ACTION Council of Monterey County as Associate Director. Her duties include establishing a strong donor base for Girls Incorporated (an organization developing leadership skills in girls) and seeking ways to address the need for affordable housing in our county. Jane chairs the MPC Foundation Board of Directors and the Democratic Club of the Monterey Peninsula. Jane founded and managed a healthy meal preparation and delivery service for working families and homebound seniors. While employed for nine years by Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, she raised over $5 million annually in support of essential family health services and honest sex education. She has served on the Monterey Peninsula College Board of Trustees, as President of the Charitable Council of Monterey, and chair of the County Social Services Commission. For further information or to help elect Jane Parker, contact CampaignManager Lisa Raville at 831-917-7880 or go to her website, electjaneparker.com. < back to all issues |
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