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Candidate endorsements for the April 8 Carmel City council election
March 2008

Mike LePage
Carmel City Council

The Sierra Club endorses Mike LePage for Carmel City Council. Mike demonstrates a detailed knowledge of the environmental concerns facing the City of Carmel. LePage has served six years on the Carmel Design Review Board, two as Chair. He understands the connection between investing in our natural environment and maintaining the quality of life that makes Carmel “a place that is inspired by its natural surroundings,” to quote Mike.

LePage is concerned about the City’s lack of maintenance of Carmel Beach, Carmel’s venerable trees, and City parks. Carmel’s forestry staff and beach maintenance were drastically cut by the present Council as a budget-saving measure.

LePage is an enthusiastic supporter of California native plants. He would use native Monterey pines and Cypress to help stabilize the bluffs above Carmel beach, among other bluff stability measures. He would work to remove non-native plants from city property and encourage property owners to use drought-tolerant native vegetation.

LePage has pledged to work to ensure a healthy and well-maintained urban forest and to promote and maintain Carmel’s parks and open spaces.

On a personal level, LePage believes that, “. . . concern for the environment begins with personal action.” He buys organic produce, landscapes with native plants, and walks and rides a bike to minimize his driving.

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