Drinkard not confirmed to Board of Forestry; Governor substitutes
unqualified candidate
Local Santa Cruz activists performed a remarkable achievement by
rallying the public to protest the appointment of Nancy Drinkard,
ex-CDF forest practice officer to a seat representing the public
on the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection. Members of the Santa
Cruz Group Forestry Task Force knew from experience that Drinkard
was disrespectful to the public and really represented the timber
As a result of the many calls and letters protesting Drinkard's
appointment, it died for lack of a confirmation hearing. In her
place, Governor Schwarzenegger has appointed Ronald Nehring of El
Cajon. Unfortunately, Nehring is not qualified for the position.
California Code states that members of the board should have knowledge
of watershed management, forest management, fish and wildlife, or
related areas. Nehring's main qualifications appear to be that he
narrowly escaped having his house burn down in the recent El Cajon
fire and that he is vice-chair of the California Republican Party.
How to help
o Write Senator Don Perata, Chair, Senate Rules Committee, State
Capitol, Room 205, Sacramento, CA 95814. Let Senator Perata know
you think Nehring is not qualified for the position as required
under Section 731 of the Public Resources Code of California.
o Call Jodi Frediani for more information, 426-1697.
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