Condos planned for Carmel Convalescent Hospital site
October 2010
by Myrna Hampton, Save Our Carmel Neighborhoods Coalition
The Villas de Carmelo proposed project at the former Carmel Convalescent Hospital Site (Hwy. 1 and Valley Way) in unincorporated Carmel is coming to the Monterey County Planning Department soon. The project would cut 97 trees to accommodate 46 two- and three-story condominiums along the Scenic Hwy. 1 Corridor. The developer is asking for entitlements to amend the Carmel Area Land Use Plan, and a Local Coastal Amendment to create a high density designation in a single family residential neighborhood. The project also proposes modifications to the requirements of the County Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and would create more traffic at Hwy. 1 and Carpenter Street.
The DEIR for a previous project at the same site is being recirculated. It is the same project, but the previous developer, the Leidigs, are no longer involved. The current developer is an upstate New York real estate firm called Widewaters, best known for their strip malls.
Comments submitted on this project can only address what is in the Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report (RDEIR.)
The developer has chosen to address only four areas in the RDEIR:
1. Traffic and circulation,
2. Utilities and service systems
3. California Environmental Quality Act considerations
4. Alternative plans for the site.
The RDEIR is available at the Harrison Memorial Library and can be reviewed online at the Monterey County Planning Department’s, website: Click on “Villas de Carmelo” then click on “RDEIR” to see the document. For more information contact, Save Our Carmel Neighborhood Coalition, 225 Crossroads Blvd, #206, Carmel, CA 93923,
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