An Invitation to Fort Ord Upcoming Bus Tour By Scott Waltz August 2014  Take the free bus tour to learn about munitions clean-up of former Fort Ord maritime chaparral. Driving along General Jim Moore Avenue above Seaside, one notices an odd crosshatch pattern of bare ground amidst the hillside maritime chaparral of the former Fort Ord. Last year on the Army Fort Ord Environmental Cleanup bus tour, I learned that the crosshatch pattern reflected the minimally invasive clean-up effort. It was shaped in that way so as to leave as much precious chaparral as possible undisturbed. In fact, the bus tour was an engaging and informative explanation of how the Army is treating the delicate ecosystems of the former Fort Ord as it pursues its clean-up mission. The Army bus tour is coming up again later in August and I would encourage any member interested in the former Fort Ord lands, or the process of munitions clean up in the region, to take advantage of this opportunity. The 90 minute guided bus tour of the clean up sites will take place on Saturday, August 23rd. Busses depart at 10:00 am and at 11:45 from Building 4522 Joe Lloyd Way on the former Fort Ord. Each of the two tours is the same. There are no reservations. If you have any questions, call the Fort Ord Community Relations Office for more details at (831) 393-1284. Go to for a map to the tour departure location and other details.
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