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Ventana Chapter  
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Old Baldy, Canada | photo by Cameron Schaus
Conservation Issues of the Ventana Chapter | monterey county

The Los Padres National Forest and the Ventana Wilderness

Chapter donates $1,000 to help injured wildlife

August 2008

Following the devastating effects on wildlife of the Indians and Basin fires in Big Sur and Los Padres National Forest, the Sierra Club Ventana Chapter donated $1,000 to the not-for-profit SPCA Wildlife Center in Monterey. The SPCA operates the only full-service wildlife rehabilitation center in Monterey County.

Each year, the Wildlife Center admits over 2,000 animals for treatment and care. Injured mountain lions, bobcats, deer, opossum, hawks, owls, pelicans, squirrels, turtles, hummingbirds, swallows, and other species have all been treated by the SPCA.

Mid-summer is a busy time at the wildlife center because of the high numbers of baby birds that fall out of their nests or are injured in some other way. This year the early season and high number of acres burned by these massive fires could seriously impact local bird populations as well as other wildlife native to Monterey County.

Center staff members are on call 24 hours a day, every day of the year, to respond to wildlife emergencies and provide transport and care to animals in distress. The Center acts as a nursery for hundreds of nestling birds and young orphaned mammals. It is staffed by trained professionals and many volunteers who donate their valuable time. For more information about the SPCA Wildlife Center go to their website, or call 831-373-2631.

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