Sierra Club
Ventana Chapter  
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Old Baldy, Canada | photo by Cameron Schaus
Ventana Chapter Organization

Ventana Chapter Election for the Executive Committee Timeline 2024

October 20: Potential petition candidates can receive petition forms for signatures

October 30: Receipt of candidates applications (statement of intent to run) with contact information for consideration by Chapter Nom Com

November 7: Nom Com informs potential candidates of their status, those nominated and those not and submits lists to Election Committee

November 9: Petition candidates submit signed petitions and ballot statements to Election Committee for HELEN review of signatures

November 19: Nominated candidates submit ballot statements to Election Committee

November 30: All nominated and petition candidates deliver ballot statements to Chapter Election mailer editor.

December 16: Ballots distributed through Election mailer

January 8, 2024: Ballots counted and results tallied for Ex Comm