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Old Baldy, Canada | photo by Cameron Schaus
Chapter Chair's Column

Guest Editorial

Thank you, Debbie
December 2011

This is the Chapter's last edition of our award winning newsletter with Editor Debbie Bulger at the helm. Debbie has been the chronicler of our Chapter and Group activities, conservation issues and political views for 15 years. Members have counted on her to turn our passionate and urgent accounts of events and decisions into cohesive, objective, and compelling reading for thousands of members and nonmembers alike.

Debbie is a storehouse of information, a repository for facts and figures for the Chapter. She is uniquely qualified for keeping track of our tumultuous histories of environmental battles, strong opinions, and quests for solutions. Debbie also has contacts throughout the Chapter with educators, photographers, activists, and others. This has enabled her to bring the highest level of images, photography, and learned science to every edition.

Throughout the years, the Chapter has worked with Debbie to upgrade the delivery of our message to the membership and community at large. Staying abreast of the newest advances in technology, Debbie has kept the Chapter informed with recommendations for the most expedient and effective tools to improve the newsletter. Through her awareness of trends in journalism, she has provided the highest standard for format and content, investigative reporting, and professionalism. Yet, Debbie's strongest quality is for fact checking. With an uncanny instinct for detecting half truths and lazy research, she will track down all leads and not publish an article until it has been thoroughly vetted; thus protecting the Club from embarrassment and criticism.

Dear Debbie, we are sure we speak for the entire membership with our barely adequate words of praise and deep appreciation of your long service to Sierra Club. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Thank you,
—Joel Weinstein, Kevin Collins, Rita Dalessio, and Gillian Taylor
Chapter Chair, Group Chair, and former Chapter Chairs

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