Representative Sam Farr wins National Sierra Club award
Representative Sam Farr wins
National Sierra Club award.
U. S. Representative Sam Farr has been selected to receive the prestigious Ed
Wayburn Award given for outstanding service to the environment by a person in
government. Representative Farr has had an outstanding environmental record in
the U. S. Congress culminating in the passage of his Big Sur Wilderness Bill and
Conservation Act of 2002. This bill added wilderness protection to 17,000 acres
in the Silver Peak Wilderness and 37,000 acres in the Ventana Wilderness both
in the Los Padres National Forest as well as some acreage near Pinnacles National
Locally, in addition to the Wilderness Bill, Farr responded to protests from environmentalists
and stopped the Navy bombing exercises planned for Fort Hunter Liggett. He has
also been an unswerving proponent of affordable housing on Fort Ord, a previous
army base now under conversion. Affordable housing lessens sprawl especially in
areas like Monterey County which is fighting to save its rich agricultural lands
from development.
Nationally, Farr has furthered the environmental cause by increasing appropriations
for the national marine sanctuary system as well as designating a portion of those
increases for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Farr also introduced
legislation to prevent over-fishing of limited or dwindling fish stocks.
While on the Agricultural Committee, Representative Farr was responsible for originally
proposing legislation (93rd Congress) on conserving agricultural land from urban
sprawl. He has continued his commitment to this issue by protecting or increasing
appropriations for the program. Farr has also secured funding for the first federal
organic research position in the nation.
When the Chapter submitted its nomination to the Awards Committee, we received
several testimonials from Sierra Club members regarding Sam Farrs environmental
Vicky Hoover, Chair of the California/Nevada Wilderness Committee: The
Big Sur Wilderness bill would never have passed in this administration without
Sam Farr seizing an unexpected opportune moment and giving it his all.
Ventana Wilderness Alliance board member Gordon Johnson: We are
all indebted to Congressman Sam Farr for having the vision to preserve these lands
for future generations and also for having the political skill to bring together
the necessary bipartisan support in Congress to turn that vision into law.
On September 20th, 2003, Sierra Club will be honoring Sam Farr at its annual awards.
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