I remember | by Corky Matthews
A young Gary Patton speaks
to the Club.
It was St. Patrick’s Day, Mar. 17, 1963, when over 50 local members of the
Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club met at Ansel and Virginia Adams’s
house in Carmel Highlands. The purpose of the gathering was to discuss ways that
members in the Monterey area could become more involved in Sierra Club activities,
outings, and conservation work than was possible with the current chapter centered
in Palo Alto.
Some of us had participated in beach and Del Monte Forest hikes led by Bob DeYoe
and Los Padres hikes led by Sam and Nancy Hopkins as part of the Loma Prieta schedule,
but we wanted an organization closer to home. The discussion focused on two alternatives:
formation of a group that would be part of Loma Prieta, or formation of a completely
separate chapter. Some folks thought we needed to go through the group experience
before trying to become a chapter; others said that we had plenty of talent locally
to be an active chapter right from the start. After further discussion, a vote
was taken and the chapter alternative won overwhelmingly. Subsequently a formal
application was approved by the Sierra Club directors at their May meeting. The
rest, as they say, is history.
It is amazing in retrospect to see the immense amount of energy unleashed in the
early years of the chapter. Many members worked at the national level to pass
the 1964 Wilderness Act, and locally for designation of the Ventana Wilderness.
Chapter ExCom elected in 1969
to start serving in 1970. Back row from left: Rod Holmgren, Jim Demetry, Sid Williams,
Corky Matthews, Jerry Lebeck. Front row from left: Roger Greenwald, Treasurer;
Roy Anderson, Chair; Joele Craige (now Allison) Secretary; Vern Yadon.
We hosted the 5th Biennial Sierra Club Information and Education Conference in
Carmel in April 1964, attended by 200 members from 12 chapters. The featured speaker
was State Senator Fred Farr, and one of the panel topics was “The Monterey
Story—Coast and Area Plans,” with Margaret Owings, Ansel Adams, Harrydick
Ross, Roy Anderson, Keith Evans, and Gordon Hall. The cost of the two-day conference
was $1.50, and the Saturday night banquet was $3.50!
If it seems as if the chapter no longer offers quite the variety of activities
as it did during the first two years of its existence, it is worth noting that
many of the early activists are now hiking in the Great Beyond. While many talented
and dedicated members have continued to fill the gaps, there are never enough
volunteers for all the projects that are worth doing. Especially now, when there
are challenges on so many fronts, we need new ideas and energy more than ever.
Volunteering is immensely satisfying and educational. Now is the time to get involved.
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