Sierra Club award improves Seaside demonstration garden
Garden designer Mary Wilson
(l) and volunteer Samantha Cabalvna (r) weed surrounded by colorful native plant
A $500 grant from the Ventana Chapter will help spread native plant beauty at
the busy corner of Canyon Del Rey Boulevard and Fremont Street in Seaside. Mary
Wilson, garden designer and Sierra Club member, accepted the award on behalf of
the project. The Chapter presented the award in commemoration of Earth Day 2003.
The grant will go into a fund to cover garden expenses including the purchase
of an electric string trimmer and some large boulders to keep motor vehicles from
driving into the garden. The boulders are needed because vehicles have jumped
the curb on three occasions and inflicted considerable damage.
A bench invites
passers-by to rest and contemplate natural beauty.

Plants are thoughtfully labeled both to educate passers-by and to encourage admirers
to purchase native plants for their own gardens. Drivers waiting for the light
to change can enjoy these drought-tolerant natives and contemplate using them
at home.
The garden was created in 1995 by a group of Seaside residents with a $2,500 grant
from the Community Foundation of Monterey County. This lovely spot replaced a
weedy garbage-strewn lot at the entrance to Seaside. Volunteers meet once a month
to weed and attend to other garden chores.
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