Sierra Club offers fundraiser cruises to Channel Islands National
Two separate cruises are being offered this fall to mark the 10th consecutive
year of this popular fundraiser sponsored by Sierra Club California Political
The first, a 4-day cruise, Sept. 19-23, will visit San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa
Cruz, and Anacapa Islands. The second, a three-day cruise, Oct. 23-25, will visit
three of those islands. Both cruises will depart from Sea Landing, Santa Barbara,
on the 68-foot twin diesel Truth.
All islands are unique-rugged mountains, deep canyons, steep cliffs, and isolated
sea caves are home to a plethora of sea life and birds. Each island has its own
special charm: San Miguel for its white, sandy beaches, and many elephant seals;
Santa Rosa for its rare Torrey Pine forest; Santa Cruz for high mountains and
the Painted Cave—the world’s largest sea cave; Anacapa, for the west
coast brown pelican rookery, steep cliffs, a picturesque lighthouse, a colony
of friendly sea lions, and excellent snorkeling waters.
A ranger-naturalist will travel with us to identify marine mammals, and numerous
species of birds. Guided hikes will be conducted on all islands. Other activities
will include kayaking, snorkeling, beachcombing, or just relaxing at sea.
These cruises are strictly informal. Each guest will be assigned a bunk with a
reading light and privacy curtains. The cost, $595 for the Sept. 19-23 cruise
and $460 for the Oct. 23-25 cruise, covers bunk space, sumptuous meals and snacks,
and guided tours.
Proceeds from these events will benefit Sierra Club endorsed candidates running
for office in 2004.
To reserve space send a $100 check payable to Sierra Club to leaders: Joan Jones
Holtz and Don Holtz, 11826 The Wye, El Monte, CA 91732. For more info. call Joan
or Don, (626) 443-0706. |
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