Santa Cruz City Council approves bike road on sensitive habitat
On Tuesday, May 13, the Santa Cruz City Council certified the EIR for the Broadway-Brommer
bicycle road which would bisect the Arana Gulch Greenbelt. The Council selected
the D2 alignment. This action violates the city’s own General Plan and Local
Coastal Plan, which the Council is now seeking to have amended. No work can commence
until the amendments have been approved by the Coastal Commission.
As the entire Arana Gulch greenbelt has been declared “critical habitat”
for the endangered Santa Cruz Tarplant, consultations with US Fish & Wildlife
are also required in an effort to resolve their objections and those of California
Fish and Game. The Santa Cruz City Council directed the staff of four city departments
to begin work to try to resolve the legal obstacles.
The Sierra Club remains committed to protecting all Greenbelt properties from
inappropriate projects and will appeal this project at all available venues. |
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