Sierra Club supports Props 46, 50 and 51
Proposition 46 - Housing Bond
Sierra Club California endorses Proposition 46, which will provide $2.1 billion
for affordable housing, with a strong emphasis on infill development.
Building affordable housing in existing urban centers not only provides an antidote
to land-gobbling sprawl, but increases housing near job centers, reduces vehicle
miles traveled, and revitalizes urban centers, all of which have social as well
as environmental benefits.
Proposition 46, a bond measure placed on the ballot by the Legislature, includes
new smart growth criteria for its largest program, the Multifamily
Housing Program. It favors infill projects, adaptive reuse, and projects near
public transit, schools, recreational facilities and job centers.
The net result is that Proposition 46 will fund the development of some of the
most environmentally-friendly housing in the state. Proposition
50 - Water Bond
Sierra Club California supports Prop. 50, the Clean Water and Coastal Protection
Bond of 2002. This $3.44 billion bond, placed on the ballot by initiative, will
allow state and local agencies to carry out a wide range of resource protection
projects and water management programs Sierra Club has advocated and supported.
These projects and programs will help to protect and restore the states
natural resources and environmental quality.
The projects included in Proposition 50 may be grouped into three broad categories:
(1) Water supply and water quality protection - $2.110 billion.
(2) Coastal resource protection - $1.050 billion.
(3) Inland resource protection - $280 million.
Projects funded by this bond measure will help protect our watersheds, rivers,
lakes and coastal water from pollution and sewage, restoring natural resources
critical for our drinking water supplies and wildlife habitat. Proposition
51 - Transportation Act Sierra Club California has endorsed Proposition
51, the Traffic Congestion Relief & Safe School Bus Act, an initiative placed
on the ballot by the Planning and Conservation League and many allied groups.
The measure would allocate 30 percent of the state share of the sales tax on new
and used cars and trucks to a new trust fund for transportation alternatives and
mitigation of transportations environmental impacts. Programs funded by
the initiative include public transit, safe bike and pedestrian routes and facilities,
clean-fuel school buses, wetlands and habitat protection, and water quality enhancements.
Prop. 51 would replace over 60 school buses in Santa Cruz County and 100 buses
in Monterey County that do not meet current federal safety and health standards
with modern clean-fuel buses. With respect to water quality, Prop. 51 would require
Caltrans to use recycled water for irrigation, allocate more than $17 million/year
to mitigate water pollution impacts of transportation, and provide $500,000 for
a mobile ocean discovery center to instruct children about the effects of transportation-related
runoff on the ocean.
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