Sierra Club member appointed to State Fish & Game Commission
Governor Gray Davis announced in late August the appointment of Robert Hattoy
of Los Angeles to the Calif. Fish & Game Commission.
Hattoy served as an appointee of President Clinton, as a deputy in the Office
of White House Personnel (1993-94) and from 1994-99, he was the White House liaison
to the Department of the Interior. President Clinton also appointed him to the
Presidential Commission on HIV/AIDS.
Hattoy worked for the Sierra Club from 1981 to 1992 as a Regional Director for
California and Nevada working on various environmental justice issues.
The California Fish and Game Commission meets at least 11 times each year to publicly
discuss various proposed regulations, permits, licenses, management policies and
other subjects within its areas of responsibility. Members do not receive a salary.
Bob Hattoy was the Clubs #1 choice for this position, and we are confident
that he will make a significant contribution to state fish and wildlife issues.
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