Anna Eshoo
U. S. House of Representatives
14th Congressional District
Sierra Club endorses the re-election of Anna Eshoo for Congress based on her environmental
record. Among her recent accomplishments and positions supported by the Club are: |
• Sponsored legislation to eliminate the SUV loophole and increase Corporate
Average Fuel Efficiency (CAFE) to 40 miles per gallon by 2012. • Voted to
add over 4,700 acres of undeveloped land in San Mateo County to the Golden Gate
Nat’l Recreation Area. • Fought for increased funding for salmon recovery on the
West Coast. • Fought for passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act including
the “Eshoo Provision” to provide $3 million annually to train public health officials
to recognize and treat waterborne diseases. • Introduced the Calif. Ocean
Protection Act to permanently ban environmentally harmful activities such as offshore
oil drilling, mining and toxic incineration from California’s coastal waters.
Representative Eshoo received a 100% score from the California League of Conservation
Voters and a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood.
Sam Farr
U. S. House of Representatives
17th Congressional District
Sierra Club endorses the re-election of Sam Farr for his fifth term in the U.
S. Congress based on his environmental record. Among his recent accomplishments
and positions supported by the Club are: |
• Securing wilderness designation for all of the rocks and islands off the
California coast (HR 2277 and executive action by President Clinton - 106th Congress).
• Stopped the Navy proposal to increase bombing practices at Fort Hunter Liggett.
• Introduced legislation (HR 4750) to expand the designated wilderness area of
the Los Padres National Forest. (107th Congress). • Increased appropriations
for the national marine sanctuary system, and designated a portion of those increases
for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. • Introduced legislation (HR
2570 - 107th Congress) to prevent over-fishing of limited or dwindling fish stock.
• While on the Agriculture committee, was responsible for originally proposing
legislation (93rd Congress) on conserving agricultural land from urban sprawl.
Representative Farr has continued his commitment to the program by protecting
or increasing appropriations for the program. • Secured funding for the first
federal organic research position in the nation.
Representative Farr has been tireless in his efforts to improve the quality of
life for residents of the Central Coast and has been a leader in the protection
of its natural resources.
John Laird
27th State Assembly District
The Sierra Club endorses John Laird for the 27th State Assembly District representing
coastal Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties as well as a portion of southern Santa
Clara County. John has served 9 years on the Santa Cruz City Council and 2 terms
as Mayor. |
Since his student days at UC Santa Cruz, John has been a staunch supporter of
coastal protection. As a City Councilmember, he was a leader among local coastal
governments against offshore oil drilling as well as a strong advocate for the
designation of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. John was also part
of the City Council that purchased the Pogonip Greenbelt property in Santa Cruz.
Throughout his elected service, John received numerous government appointments
which have given him vast and varied political experience. He has been active
in the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Outer Continental Shelf activities, on
the board of the League of California Cities, Chair of the Board of the Santa
Cruz Metropolitan Transit District, Chair of the Water Planning and Powers Board
and Chair of the City’s Redevelopment Agency. His commitment to community service
has also led him to serve as a member of the Board of the Cabrillo College Foundation
and as a founding board member of the Santa Cruz AIDS Project.
A longtime Sierra Club member, Laird has served as a member and chair of the Sierra
Club Water Resources Committee promoting water conservation programs and environmentally
appropriate new water sources. As an Assembly Member, John Laird could advance
Sierra Club’s long standing support of coastal protection, good air quality, better
car fuel efficiency, adequate water supply and protection of open space.
Mardi Wormhoudt
Board of Supervisors, District #3
The Sierra Club is pleased to announce its endorsement of Mardi Wormhoudt for
a third term representing the 3rd District based on her environmental voting record.
Among her accomplishments and positions supported by the Club are: |
• Support for acquisition, preservation, and community involvement in long-term
planning for the Coast Dairies property on the north coast of Santa Cruz County.
• Banning of helicopter logging and timber harvesting in riparian corridors.
• Enforcement of regulations and clarification of standards regarding biomedical
goat raising. • Protection of agricultural lands through her active participation
as a member of LAFCO. • Initiation of a county-wide policy regarding decreased
pesticide use. • Support for the Wilder Ranch Bikeway, currently under construction.
• Advocacy for viable alternatives to automobile use, including support for the
acquisition of the Union Pacific Rail Line. Wormhoudt is also a strong proponent
of community involvement in planning and decision-making in the District, and
enforcement of the County’s General and Local Coastal Plans. “Mardi has
been a champion for the environment—not only in the Third District, but on county-wide
issues throughout her tenure as a Supervisor. She consistently shows concern for
and action on issues important to the Sierra Club,” states Marilyn Fravel, Co-Chair
of the Santa Cruz County Group.
Candidates for District #3 were asked to respond to a twelve-point questionnaire
regarding their backgrounds and positions on County issues including alternatives
to Single Occupant Vehicle use, Highway 1 widening, conflicts between the need
for affordable housing and the county’s water supply deficiency, support for a
strong urban/rural service boundary, and discussion of the potential for the County’s
formal inclusion in transportation planning with the greater San Francisco Bay
Wormhoudt’s responses and approach recommendations were most closely aligned with
those of the Sierra Club. Mark Primack declined to respond to the questionnaire.
Ken Gray | Marina City Council
The Sierra Club endorses Ken Gray for election to the Marina City Council.
Ken has an outstanding background in applied ecology that he can use to help balance
Marinas need for reasonable growth and development while protecting sensitive
habitats and open space. |
Ken Gray began his professional career with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental
Planning and Management from UC Davis. For the past 29 years he has worked as
a park ranger, ecologist, and resource planner for California State Parks.
As a 15-year resident of Marina, Ken has shown a high level of community involvement.
He has served on the Marina Planning Commission, Marina Tree Committee, and the
City of Marina Design Review Board. He has worked hard to help Marina integrate
lands made available on former Fort Ord by participating on the Fort Ord Restoration
Advisory Board, Fort Ord Technical Review Committee, and Fort Ord Resource Management
and Planning Team. Ken was a founder and is Chair of Marina 2020 Vision, the group
responsible for placing Measure E on the ballot leading to the passage of the
first urban growth boundary in Monterey County. Ken has also been a Cub and Boy
Scout leader and Scoutmaster and served as an assistant and coach for youth baseball
and soccer.
As a member of the Marina City Council, Ken Gray will help lead the city of Marina
toward a healthy and prosperous future while maintaining and protecting environmental
quality. |