Suit about U.S. energy plan proceeding
The lawsuit by Sierra Club for disclosure of details of the Cheney Task Forces
meetings with energy industry executives passed another hurdle with the issuing
in July of Judge Emmet Sullivans written opinion allowing the suit to proceed.
The Sierra Club filed this lawsuit after the Bush Administration refused to divulge
how much influence big energy companies like Enron and oil and coal producers
had in crafting the nations energy policy, despite numerous requests from
Congress and others.
At a time when people are concerned about corporate responsibility, and the Administrations ties to business, its vital that Americans know how much influence polluting industry executives had over our national energy plan, said Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club.
The energy policy that ultimately came out of the Administration relies on technologies
that will pollute our air and water, destroy special places and fail to reduce
our dependence on oil and coal. At the very least, the American people deserve
an explanation of why the Administration chose this path rather than safer and
cleaner technologies that would protect the environment and save consumers money
at the same time. |
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