Coastal Commission Members | by Mark Massara
In June California State Assembly Speaker Wesson appointed San Diego City Council
Member Scott Peters to replace Commissioner Patricia McCoy. McCoy, a renowned
wetlands expert, was a hugely popular presence on the Commission and was loved
by Californias environmental community. McCoy will be sorely missed on the
Peters is an environmental attorney with strong credentials and a long history
of coastal protection experience. Appointed to serve as Peters alternate
is former alternate Commissioner David Allgood, a senior representative with California
League of Conservation Voters. Allgood has a strong pro-conservation history and
voting record.
Previously, in late May, Wesson reappointed Monterey County Supervisor Dave Potter
to the Commission as the elected representative for the Monterey, Santa Cruz,
San Mateo region. Potters alternate will be Debra Ruddock, a member of the
Half Moon Bay City Council.
Wesson also reappointed San Diego businessman Patrick Kruer to the Commission.
Kruers alternate will be Maria Elena Durazo who has incredible credentials
and should make an outstanding Commissioner.
These new Commissioners join William Burke and his alternate, Amanda Susskind.
Then in late May, as Sierra Club and environmentalists were urging Governor Davis
to remove and replace pro-development Commissioner Greg Hart (a Santa Barbara
City Council Member), Davis suddenly and without notice reappointed Hart to another
2-year term on the Commission. Hart won the lowest pro-conservation voting record
on the Commission during 2001.
> View
the voting records for all the Commission members
> Visit this
website - For biographies and contact information for all the members of the
California Coastal Commission. |
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